
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2921

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Mike & Becky Ford

Representation Summary:

- significant detrimental effect on the semi-rural feel of the area. It would also be loss of sports facilities and good quality agricultural land
- local road network is not able to cope with the additional houses and traffic
- congestion on the local roads at peak times at end of the working day.

Full text:

Allocation 13

We want to register our objection to the proposed development on Green Belt land in Shirley (Allocation 13). Having lived on the Baxters estate for 10 years we, like many other local people, enjoy having access to green space. We regularly go walking with our 3 children through this beautiful area which would be completely destroyed if the proposed housing development were to be built. This area of Green Belt maintains the separation between Shirley and Dickens Heath to prevent urban sprawl; losing it would have a significant detrimental effect on the semi-rural feel of the area. It would also be loss of sports facilities and good quality agricultural land.
Furthermore the local road network is not able to cope with the additional houses and traffic that will be generated. There are many existing problems that have noticeably got worse over the last few years as Dickens Heath has continued to grow and that would be exacerbated by any new development in this area:
- Morning tailbacks along Tanworth Lane from the junction near to Dog Kennel Lane caused by incessant traffic from Dickens Heath - I regularly queue for 5-10mins to get out of the end of Tanworth Lane. On more than one occasion the traffic has backed up Tanworth Lane to beyond Stretton Road and then caused traffic to back up Stretton Road.
- Morning tailbacks along the Stratford Road between the Monkspath Junction and beyond Dog Kennel Lane, sometimes causing traffic to back up Dog Kennel Lane itself.
- Evening tailbacks along Dog Kennel Lane from its junction with Tanworth Lane.
Please reconsider the plan to develop this area.