
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2922

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Shaun Friel

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection for the following reasons:
- suitability of this site as a housing development is questionable.
- additional demand on local amenities, Doctors, Dentists, Schools are already oversubscribed will lead to their degrading.
- increased volume of traffic, totally destroying the character of this well established neighbourhood.
- the area remains, prone to flooding.
- Pedestrian safety will also become an issue,
- existing community needs to be considered.
- Affordable housing on a premium location is an oxymoron .
- Communities need recreational sites.

Full text:

Houses on Sharmans cross Road

i write as a concerned resident, opposed to the development of the Bees site Sharmans cross road.
surly, suitability of this site as a housing development is questionable.
Local amenities, Doctors, Dentists, Schools are already oversubscribed and further demand can only serve to degrade these services further.
The road layout would have to be significantly changed to accommodate the increased volume of traffic, totally destroying the character of this well established neighbourhood.
Work done in Winterbourne Road recently, to improve drainage was, at best, a minor improvement and the the area remains, prone to flooding.
Additional demand will only exacerbate the problem.
Pedestrian safety will also become an issue, particularly, to pupils at Sharmans cross junior School and the local secondary schools.
The existing community needs to be considered. Affordable housing on a premium location is an oxymoron and makes me very nervous.
Communities need recreational sites. If the development goes ahead, there will be a further Two Hundred plus people forced to travel further and further to ever diminishing facilities.