
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2940

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Joanna Holloway

Representation Summary:

Object because of:
- Shirley is already a busy place
- increase pressure on services (doctors)
- traffic and congestion on high street and other local roads

Full text:

Allocation 13

I am writing to object to the proposed housing development sites in Shirley and in particular allocation 13 which is a beautiful part of Shirley, great for recreation and of course has plenty of wildlife living there. My main objection is that Shirley is already such a busy place, traffic is so built up particularly since ASDA has been built and I find Haslucks Green Road just too busy. I find it difficult to get doctors appointments, sometimes you have to wait 4 weeks to see a doctor. I cannot understand why Shirley is taking the brunt of the newbuilds in Solihull when it is recognised how busy the High St is for traffic. I also cannot understand why Shirley is being picked on when Solihull has many other areas and we must be the furthest away from the new HS2 development. It just doesn't make any sense to me that you are building such a large amount of housing in one area. We have already seen an increase in traffic etc with Parkgate, we will experience more with the new Powergen development yet you want to increase it again? Please reconsider the plans, save Allocation 13 look at brownfield sites around the borough and at least spread it more evenly across Solihull and not build such a high amount in one place, ie Shirley.