
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2941

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Evan Winter

Representation Summary:

Objection on the following grounds:
- will increase traffic volumes, risks to pedestrians and other road users
- impact negatively on air quality with higher levels of air pollution from vehicles
- lack of infrastructure to support the development
- density of development is not appropriate for this area
- loss of sporting facilities

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I live in Dorchester Road and so am writing to express my concern at the above proposal for the following reasons:

1. Increase in volume of traffic. Currently it is extremely slow to get onto Streetsbrook Road from Dorchester or Sharmans Cross. Adding 100 additional houses will greatly exacerbate that problem.
2. This will lead to safety issues for both pedestrians (especially school children at Sharmans Cross School) and cyclists.
3. This will also affect the level of air pollution in the surrounding area especially as many cars will be stationary with engines idling.
4. There is not the infrastructure in terms of schools (Sharmans Cross or Tudor Grange) to cope with an additional influx of people.
5. Medical facilities are already stretched to breaking point. I currently wait for at least 1 week for a doctor's appointment.
6. This level of housing density is completely at odds with all the surrounding houses.
7. Loss of sporting facilities - when a key government policy is to encourage people to be more active, loss of such facilities makes no sense.

It is my conclusion that the proposal is contrary to current local and regional planning policies and so should be rejected.