
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2945

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Paul Woolman

Representation Summary:

- Object on the grounds that it will lead to a:
- loss of sporting facilities
- green space
- compromises the road safety (increases pollution,
- increase in the carbon footprint
- negatively impacts on schools and health provision

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

To whom it may concern.

Once again a sporting facility, green space is under threat of disappearing
so that many more houses can be crammed into an unsuitable area. Sharmans Cross
Road is extremely congested at both school start and finishing times. By
building this proposed housing estate development on the rugby field,
adding potentially, another 100+ cars into the mix, would compromise the
inevitable road safety issues for our children, as risk becomes even more
heightened. The carbon footprint would also increase and the prospect of
more housing within this area would have a direct knock on effect to school
placements, already under a great deal of pressure. It's a well known fact
that open spaces are a health benefit to everyone. Surely there are other
pieces of land ripe for re-development such as old office buildings no
longer being used, in prime locations with direct and easy access onto the
road infrastructure. Yet again we are faced with another example of
developers being given the opportunity to build what ever and where ever
they want, which is to generate themselves presumably a good profit.