
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2947

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Pam Canning

Representation Summary:

- concerned about additional traffic being generated
- difficult junction on to Streetsbrook road
- loss of parking spaces within the site will mean additional on road parking
- site does not meet key national sustainability criterias ie need to be within set distances of facilities
- current schools and medical centres cannot cope with the additional capacity required from the proposed number of dwellings

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing to record my objection to the inclusion of the site at Sharmans Cross Road being including in the LDP.

I am a member of the Solihull Arden Club and a local resident living on Dorchester Road.

According to Council documents this land has a covenant that restricts its use to that for sports use only and it is therefore totally inappropriate to be considered for inclusion in any non-sports related development and therefore the LDP.

In addition and very specifically the council states as a number one objective pitches should not be built on.
This commitment would exclude planning consent to build over the 2 pitches with a redeveloped Arden club

I request the council confirms that the council will not renege on its previous policy of not selling the freehold for sites where grounds are only for sport.

I am very concerned about additional traffic being generated on Sharman's cross road which already has significant issues at school times and peak traffic times caused by the difficult junction on to Streetsbrook road and having Sharman's cross school located on the road. This is a major safety concern especially for the attendees of the junior school.
With the loss of parking spaces within the site additional on road parking would exacerbate the current situation further.

I do not believe the site meets key sustainability criteria stated in the national planning framework where developments need to be within set distances of facilities which this site does not meet.

In addition I doubt the current schools and medical centres can cope with the additional capacity required from the proposed number of dwellings, other local residents already in the catchment areas could suffer.