
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2953

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Marylyn Trowsdale

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection on the basis that:
- wrong to reduce number of facilities for healthy sport & recreational activities
- increase in density/resident will add pressure on support services and infrastructure
- development will result in higher/faster levels of surface water run-off
- congestion and associated dangers to other road users will increase
- current balance between resi and open/green spaces will be lost

Full text:

Site 18

I wish to record my objection to the proposed development on the Sports Ground behind Sharmans Cross Road most strongly.

1. With an ever increasing population if is wrong in principle to reduce any ground or facility that can be used for healthy sport & recreational activities

2. Any increase the density of housing and the subsequent residents in this area can only add to the problems we have with all support services & infrastructure. In this area of Solihull our schools & medical support services are already over stretched by the existing demands upon them

3 If you insert 100 homes, (some which may be 3 stories high) the roads & paved areas will increase the fast run off of rainwater in a road that already floods,making the situation worse.Sharmans Cross Road traffic locks solid nose to tail, Public transport has great difficulty in negotiating cars delivering children to school at present & any increase in traffic will only make this worse. Danger to pedestrians, unaccompanied children attending the Junior school & those making their way to the secondary schools on adjoining roads, either on foot or cycling (this is supposed to be an approved route) will be in increased danger. There is gridlock at the Streetsbrook Road junction at present during peak times.

4. Presently this area, including the open land is a well balanced marriage between residential development & recreation, this proposal would destroy that. It provides an environment for much wild life & many mature trees, some subject to preservation orders. We can develop this further for additional sporting activities, since it is accessible to surrounding residents & schools, promoting health giving exercise & reducing calls upon medical services

Please reject this proposed development.