
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2990

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Carol Leech

Representation Summary:

Reasons for objecting to this site are:
- flooding, sections of sharmans cross regularly flood
- impact on infrastructure (schools, doctors, dentists etc)
- traffic increase will impact directly on local communities
- local sporting facilities will be lost with detrimental impact on health

Full text:

RE : LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing to register my objection to the proposed allocation of land on Sharmans Cross Road, utilising the Rugby club and adjoining Arden Tennis Club land.

My reasons for this are listed below:-

1. Flooding - this Section of Sharmans Cross road regularly floods when we have excessive rainfall, removing green land will only add to the problem. The current drainage system is old and on at least two occasions in the last 15 years I have walked my children to school through sewage which has overflowed on to Solihull Road.

2. 100 houses proposed - where are the owners of these houses going to obtain school places, (already at maximum capacity) access medical facilities such as doctors, dentists. The local hospital no longer has an A & E or maternity facility and already operates on overload forcing residents outside of the borough.

3. Traffic - getting around this part of Solihull is already slow and hazardous, visibility for traffic exiting this sight is not good, the increased volume of traffic will have a direct impact on the local community. There is a school nearby which suffers from parking issues and child safety should be a priority. The added volume will have direct impact on pedestrians and cyclists in the area.

4. Local sporting facilities - We hear lots in the media about children having a sedentary lifestyle due to the advancements of the internet and a reluctance to play outside. Continually removing sporting facilities will only make these issues worse. Sports Clubs promote the feeling of community togetherness and contribute to the wellbeing of the local community. Sport teaches discipline and fair play; a healthy body is a healthy mind.

We are told in the media that Solihull is one of the most desired areas to live but on the other hand we fall extremely short in having good quality sports facilities available.

Finally, I would remind you that this land has been suggested for housing in the past and planning has been refused, nothing has changed, this land is designated for sport.