
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2991

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Terry Grove

Representation Summary:

Objecting to the site as it:
- eats into the green belt
- current infrastructure (roads) is not able to cope

Full text:

Response to the Solihull Draft Local Plan Review

I write to endorse the document to be submitted by the Knowle Dorridge and Bentley Heath Form with regards to the Solihull Draft Local Plan.

The Draft Local Plan regarding Knowle is in my mind overly ambitious and the Councils approach is disproportionate in the context of the Borough's Plan.

The current infrastructure (in particularly the roads) in the vicinity of the proposed building is already at breaking point and the Plan seriously eats in to existing Green Belt land and without question will serious impact on the village.

Whilst supportive of the development of Arden Academy I feel that Academy's plans have now become overly ambitious - probably based on local landowners seeing that by being 'supportive' of the school they can take the opportunity to unlock their investment and make a 'quick buck' in what is currently Green Belt land.