
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 2995

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Raymond Evason

Representation Summary:

- shocked,and very worried about the sheer scale of the proposed building of over 2,500 houses between Dickens Heath,and Majors Green
- semi rural aspect of the area will be turned into a town
- increase in traffic,pollution,and noise

Full text:

Proposed building site dickens heath/majors green

We are shocked,and very worried about the sheer scale of the proposed building of over 2,500 houses between Dickens Heath,and Majors Green,if this is allowed to go ahead the semi rural aspect of the area will be turned into a town,with all the increase in traffic,pollution,and noise,can you tell me how much green belt land will be lost?,and can I ask the councillors of dickens heath,majors green,wythall,and Bromsgrove,as well as Solihull, to try aggressively to reduce the amount of houses and the impact this will have on the area,many thanks