
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3015

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Peter Butler

Representation Summary:

objecting to the inclusion of the site for the following reasons:
- designated as sports land as per lease (covenant)
- demand which exists is being supressed by the current owners of the land, thereby contravening the lease agreement.

Full text:

LDP Proposed Housing Allocation 18

Sharman's Cross Road Rugby Ground

I wish to strongly object to the use of the above Sports ground being used for housing or any development that is not for sporting use.

This ground was designated by Solihull Council for sporting use only and leased the land for that purpose.

Since the present holder acquired the lease in 2010/11? no sporting event has been held on this ground. Although I believe that the owners have been approached on numerous occasions for permission to use the ground but all have either not received any reply or on one occasion was asked to pay a disproportion amount for a small amateur club that they could not possibly afford. I understand the ground rent paid by the owners is only £250. To make it more unattractive for clubs to use, the club house and changing rooms have been demolished.

As it would appear that the owners have no intention of ever allowing this ground to be used for sport. I believe they have broken the terms of the lease and therefore the lease should revert back to Solihull MBC.