
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3022

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Ron Edwards

Representation Summary:

Objection on the basis that;
- increased levels of pollution esp for schoolchildren
- traffic gridlock and concerns about safety of pedestrians
- more pressure on schools and doctors
- development will be out of character with existing housing
- less public amenities and parkland in central Solihull
- loss of valuable habitat for wildlife

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I would like to register my objection to the proposed housing allocation 18 and planning application fro the following reasons.

The traffic in Sharmans Cross rd at school times does not exceed 5MPH, With excess of 12 single and double decker buses per hour using Sharmans Cross rd, the majority being diesel engined, I would be concerned that any further traffic increase would expose the school children to dangerous levels of diesel fumes.

The traffic grid lock at peak hours causes drivers to use the pavement to continue there journey, any increase in traffic will again increase the safety concerns for pedestrians.

The extra housing would put even more pressure on the currently oversubscribed schools and medical centres with the in Solihull.

The intensity of the development is out of keeping with the character of the neighbourhood.

There are less public amenities and parkland now in central Solihull than there were in 60's, yet the population has more than doubled, this development will only add to the imbalance. Maybe you should change the town motto.

There are badgers, foxes and bats living within the area and these will all lose valuable habitat should if this development is accepted. Maybe you should change the town motto now.

I would like to know if Solihull Council still intend to honour their agreement in 2013 to uphold the covenant that the grounds should only be used for sport and they would not sell the freehold.