
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3037

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Julia Williams

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as land designated for sporting use and development will result in loss of facilities vital for health and well being of children, prospective club users have been deliberately prevented by developer and rent demanded, loss of green space highly valued by local residents, will exacerbate traffic congestion in area increasing risks to road users and school children, inadequate school and health provision, oppose relocation of Arden club and development provides insufficient parking which will result in unauthorised parking on Arden club car park or in local roads.

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing to object to the proposal for the development of 100 houses on Sharman's Cross Road as included in the LDP.

I would like to make the following points-

1. Loss of sporting facilities.
I am very concerned that this land, which is designated to be used solely for sport, will be lost to the area. It is vital for the health and well being of our children that their need for sporting opportunities is prioritised. I am particularly aggrieved at the devious approach taken by Oakmoor in this regard. In their submission they imply that, since the land was vacated by the rugby club, it is no longer in demand for sporting purposes. They present it as derelict, having fallen into disuse and being subject to vandalism. However, the reality is that the land is very much sought after for sporting purposes. I am aware that the adjoining football club,as well as many other children's football clubs, have approached Oakmoor to use the pitches. However, their approaches have either been disregarded by Oakmoor or the costs have been prohibitively high. I feel that Oakmoor has deliberately prevented this land being used for sporting purposes in order to forge ahead with their plans for a residential development.

2. Loss of green space
This land is highly valued by local residents as a green space with environmental and community benefits. When not in use for rugby and football, we have taken our children there for picnics, walks and community cricket and rounders. For us it would be detrimental to our quality of life for this valued green space to disappear.

3. Increased volume of traffic
The development will impact considerably on traffic congestion in the area. This is already a problem on Streetsbrook Road, Sharmans Cross Road and Blossomfield Road. Further traffic entering and leaving the proposed site would cause unacceptable havoc. It would also increase the risks to road users and unaccompanied school children.

4. Lack of infrastructure to support the development.
In order to support such a dense development, attention needs to be given to ensure the necessary infrastructure is in place. I would be concerned about the availability of local school places and health provision.

5. The implications for Solihull Arden club members As a club member I am assured that the club is not party to any agreement with Oakmoor in terms of relocation and selling the land it owns. There has been no consultation with members on the issue and it would not seem to be in the club's interests to proceed in this way. In these circumstances I feel that the application is based on a false premise and should not proceed without full consultation and the agreement of the club.

6. Parking
The proposal allows for 1 car parking space per unit. This is not realistic and would mean residents of the proposed new development parking on Solihull Arden car park or in local roads. This would add to the congestion, particularly as many local roads are very narrow. In addition I would suggest that Oakmoor has provided inaccurate information about the accessibility of the development to Solihull, possibly to justify allowing only 1 car parking space per unit. In my view any proposed development would need at least 2 car parking spaces per unit and thus a proposal for 100 houses on the site is impractical as well as undesirable.

I hope you will consider these objections and recognise the importance of continuing to use this land for sport.