
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3041

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Norman Bird

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as development of sports and recreation facilities contrary to commitment to protect facilities and will aggravate current shortage, high density and height of proposal out of character with surroundings, will exacerbate congestion and gridlock on Sharmans Cross Road causing hazard to school children, pedestrians and cyclists, suggestion of access to Winterbourne Road unsuitable as narrow residential road, and concerned that impact on Arden club published and handled in devious way.

Full text:

Sharmans Cross Development

To whom it may concern,

It a was a real shock when I heard of the proposed housing development on the land currently occupied by the rugby and tennis facilities. I strongly object to these proposals and give below some objections which require serious consideration;

1. Solihull Council are committed to reserving space in the borough for sports and recreation facilities necessary for the education and general wellbeing of children and residents. In view of the current emphasis on sporting activities, the local loss of the rugby and tennis facilities thus aggravating the current shortage of sporting facilities.

2.The high density of the proposed housing and the character of the buildings are not in keeping with surrounding properties. It is also suggested that some of the properties will be more than two stories high leading to loss of privacy and overshadowing of existing properties. A limit of two stories must be imposed.

3. The exiting of residents of the proposed site on to Sharmans Cross Road will create further chaos to the existing problems of congestion and gridlock situations. Thereby creating safety hazards for children,cyclists, pedestrians and other users of this very busy road. Also the exit is close to the Sharmans Cross Junior School thereby creating further safety problems for children and parents.It has been suggested that a further access could be created in Winterbourne Road which is a narrow road serving local residents and not suited to volume traffic.

4. It is of some concern that the news relating to the Tennis Club was published and handled in such a devious way.