
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3044

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Bob Holtham

Representation Summary:

Support representation of KDBH Neighbourhood Forum as no reason to concentrate allocation on just 2 sites when areas at Bentley Heath and Widney Manor better located to Solihull and transport infrastructure, more limited and dispersed approach which would ensure greater variety and quality of new development, and smaller brownfield and edge of settlement infill sites in green belt should be used to provide for housing need.

Full text:

We broadly support the submission by the KDBH Neighbourhood Forum and in particular the following.

1.There is no clear reason why the proposed allocation of 1050 dwellings should be targeted in just two locations at East and South Knowle in preference to areas such as Bentley Heath and Widney Manor which are better positioned to access Solihull, the Railway and Motorway network.
It is quite possible to accomodate 3-400 new houses on the north western edge of KDBH without closing down the Solihull/KDBH 'gap'. The M42/River Blythe and power lines are a permanent barrier between the two.

2.The allocation of 750 house to the Arden Triangle is an entirely arbitrary response to a contrived "masterplan' generated by Developers riding on the back of the Academy.

3.Other than a less than clear land swap it is not clear that the new Academy could be adequately funded.

4.The 'ambition' for the Academy does not justify amalgamating all the greenbelt land ownerships in the area.(i.e. sites 148-157).

5. The southern approach to Knowle on the Warwick Road should be protected. The proposed reallocation of the Greenbelt boundary is too agressive and should be restricted to only the land immediately required for the Academy (if proven to be viable) and probably no further south than the bridleway/footpath to Jacknett.

6. The Landscape Character assessment for Area 3 is incorrect insofar as it aggregates a number of very different landscape types under one broad banner of more moderately performing when some of the individual plots have historic hedgerows and veteran trees and encompass existing footpath and watercourse networks of higher landscape value. These plots are also contiguous with current high performing areas.

7. The topography and highly visible profile of sites 149-152 in particular is not suited to large areas of new housing development.

8.The large scale expansion of rural settlements like Knowle should be dropped for a more limited and dispersed approach which would ensure greater variety and quality of new development.

9 SMBC should encourage smaller brownfield and edge of settlement greenbelt infill sites to be brought forward to take up part of the housing need.