
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3054

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Gerard Bourke

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as concerned proposed development will have access to Winterbourne Road and become principal route to Solihull, via narrow estate roads not meant as through routes and with serious issues of road and pedestrian safety, increased pollution and loss of character, development would exacerbate infrastructure issues with schools oversubscribed and limited amenities, increase serious drainage risks and does not have suitable roads or highway infrastructure.

Full text:

I am writing to you to formally object to the proposed development of Sharmans Cross Rugby/Tennis ground -
LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18.

As a resident of Beaminster Road I am extremely concerned that if this proposed development had estate access from Winterbourne Road that the route using Dorchester Road and Beaminster Road would unofficially become the principal entrance to the estate as it provides a shortcut from Solihull and from M42 motorway exits 4 & 5 via Blossomfield Road. This would bring with it serious issues of road and pedestrian safety plus increased levels of pollution to the residents.
Beaminster Road is a very narrow road and it is already tricky to negotiate past parked cars - It was never designed or constructed to be a thoroughfare to a housing estate.
Moreover, the mature residential character of Beaminster Road and Winterbourne Road would be completely shattered.

The infrastructure of the area is already at bursting point with over subscription of schools and limited amenities for residents plus there are already serious issues with drainage in the area. 100 extra houses would tip this into becoming an absolute serious problem.

This area does not have suitable roads or infrastructure to safely facilitate an additional 100 extra houses.