
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3062

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Bev Ellis

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 4 as will result in loss of recreational facilities for residents and children at a time when there is recognition of the need to encourage greater activity for health and well-being and to discourage crime, loss of wildlife and habitats, loss of local area of natural beauty for walking, exacerbate traffic on roads that are barely coping now, schools and medical services are oversubscribed and cannot take extra strain.

Full text:

save allocation 13 and 4

To whom this may concern,

Please can I make my objections clear to the planned build of houses on allocation 13 and allocation 4...I strongly object!!
My family, the dogs and I quite often use these areas of natural beauty for recreational walks where we are lucky enough to walk for miles, in fact, a Sunday afternoon is not complete without a good walk along some of these areas. We have fun spotting wildlife and feel really sad that you would consider using such areas of beauty to develop on!!! Let alone destroying the habitat of hundreds possibly thousands of animals! If the build goes ahead we will lose children's football pitches right at the time the government are trialling within schools to get children more active and a 'need to move' scheme!!
Then there is the matter of extra traffic on the surrounding roads, they can barely cope as it is!You should try and get off my drive of a morning and evening as it stands now!
There are also the schools which are full.
Then the doctors, you are lucky if you can get an appointment now!! So we can ill afford to put any of these under any extra stress or strain!
I understand redevelopments of old factories or dis-used offices and understand people need to live somewhere but please, not areas of beauty and wildlife.
I moved to Hall Green in 1984 with my parents trying to better themselves and to escape an area that had become really unsafe for families to grow up in, this was Alum Rock and whenever I go back now I could cry as it is so built up and heavily populated that it is now ruined...I now live in Shirley with my young family and love the fact that I don't have far to go before I am treated with some lovely views. I also know from experience that I can see the same thing happening all over again. Crime is up, children are bored and if you take away football and recreation areas and just add more people to this area you will further increase the problems.
Sorry to go on but I do feel very strong about this...