
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3066

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Mary R Butler

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as permanent loss of sports facilities should not be permitted, the Council has power and responsibility to ensure protected for all, and should adhere to its policy to restrict use to sport not include in Local Plan.

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18

Sharman's Cross Road Rugby Ground

I wish to inform you of my objection to the change of use from sporting facilities to housing for the above site.

The permanent loss of sporting facilities should not be permitted and the council have the power and responsibility to ensure that such facilities are preserved for all.

In 2013 the Solihull MBC stated its policy not to sell the freehold and these grounds were to be only used for sport. If this is the policy, why now has this site been included in the LDP?

I strongly urge you keep and fight for the retention of this policy.