
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3079

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Wendy Sharrard

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as will result in loss of green space used for recreation and for use by future generations when the nearest park is more than a mile away, local medical facilities are already struggling to meet demand, and will exacerbate traffic congestion on local roads.

Full text:

Allocation 13

I,am writing to you to voice my concerns regarding the possible development of 600 houses to be built in the fields that
are on the road of which I have lived for the past 41 years, both myself and my children have grown up with these lovely fields
to play in enjoy family walks and also walk our family dog's over the many years we have lived here. It will be with great sadness that my Grandchildern will not get the chance to grow up having enjoyed the area. The local GP surgery is already struggling with the demand of people
in the area as is the road system I work only six miles from my place of work but every morning get stuck in traffic that is already clogging up the roads so more housing would only make this a lot worse than it currently is. It is with great regret that these fields have been chosen as the nearest park for the children and dog walkers to enjoy is Shirley park and that is at least one mile away from the fields that are on our door