
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3088

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Richard Burbidge

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will increase issues of oversubscribed schools and medical services, exacerbate gridlock at peak times on Sharmans Cross Road and parking associated with relocated Arden club and new development, worsen unacceptably existing flooding and problems with sewage systems, and land designated for sports use with policy to retain and there is no reason to change this.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I wish to inform you of my objection to the proposed development on the Rugby Club at Sharmans Cross Road.
I live at Sharmans Cross Road.
My objection is based on a number of points.
- a lack of adequate supply of medical and education facilities ... These facilities are currently over subscribed and this development will add to the current issue. I presume you have no plans for locally increasing schools or medical centres to mitigate this impact
- traffic issues. The road is currently gridlocked in mornings and evenings. Adding more housing will increase this issue. Parking will also be an issue for the proposed new tennis centre leading to more on road parking increasing safety issues. Additionally the 100 houses will be allocated a number of in realistic parking places leading to overspill onto Sharmans Cross Road and again added danger.
- flooding. The area floods currently and the sewage systems are obviously inadequate. Adding housing will worsen this issue and is unacceptable.
- use of the land. The rugby ground is designated as a sports only area as minuted in 2013. There is no reason for this to have been changed.