
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3089

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Sharon Anne Burbidge

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as proposal is totally out of scale and overdevelopment, additional vehicles will exacerbate traffic problems and pollution especially at peak times with serious impact on pedestrians, children walking to/from school and cyclists, worsen problems with inconsiderate parking especially at school times, exacerbate flooding from poor drainage, increase pressure on local schools and medical services, development likely to include 3 storey properties and impact on TPOs, severely jeopardise dwindling supply of sports facilities, when adults and children being encouraged to exercise, and concerned that Arden club land may also be used.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18.

Dear Sir/ Madam
I write to you in connection with the above proposed erection of 100 dwellings on the site of the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road. I wish to strongly object to this planning proposal on the following grounds :
1/ impact on traffic & increased pollution as a result. I live at 47 Sharmans Cross Rd & am aware of the dense traffic on our road. It seems to be 100 houses in totally out of scale & a gross overdevelopment of this once pleasurable site.
Access will be very tight in & out of the site. The number of cars per household has increased markedly over the years & thus will have a significant impact on such a small area. During busy times ie early morning & evening rush hour & school run times there will be a great impact on existing side roads.
We must take seriously the impact increased traffic will have on pedestrians especially on children attending schools in the locality & also cyclists.
2/ Parking will become a huge problem. I already experience parking across my driveway. During school run periods parking is already extremely busy only to be made worse if this planning application goes ahead.
3/ it is well known that Sharmans Cross Rd suffers from very very poor drainage resulting in flooding. Extra housing will only exacerbate this problem.
4/ with an extra 100 houses comes increased pressure on our local schools & doctors surgeries & hospital. They surely will buckle under the pressure.
5/ design of the development is a major concern. We have tree preservation orders on some our trees. I do not relish 3 storey properties replacing greenery, flora & fauna.
6/ I am saddened to think that this proposed use of the land will severely jeopardise the already dwindling availability of sporting facilities. We are all told to increase exercise & to encourage our children to go outdoors & exercise ... Where will they go now ? My family are members of the Arden Club too. If this land is also to be used this will severely impact this particular situation.
Please please consider seriously all my points which I feel strongly about.
I look forward to a carefully considered response.
Yours faithfully