
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3091

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Margaret Mawson

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as Sharmans Cross Road is a traffic bottleneck with vehicles reversing out of drives, on street parking, traffic using footpaths and verges, cyclists using footpaths, creating problems for visiting ambulances and hazards for the disabled, elderly and children walking to/from school, will result in loss of yet another sporting facility contrary to policy to retain land in sports use, additional population will put pressure on already stretched local schools and medical services, and development is out of scale and character with surrounding area with loss of privacy and peace and quiet.

Full text:

Proposed Housing Allocation 18 (Solihull)

I have listed my objections to the above proposed application:
Traffic congestion and safety for pedestrians
Sharmans Cross Road is recognized as a traffic bottleneck - a black spot to be avoided where possible. Many residents have to reverse out of their drives on to the road, which they find is an absolute nightmare, particularly as this is a bus route. Bus drivers are already often compelled to drive on the footpath, when faced with parked and ongoing vehicles, endangering pedestrians and, in places, churning grass verges. There is no cycle lane provided on the road, and fearful for their safety, cyclists have to use the footpath. Ambulance services are finding it increasingly difficult to cope with target times to reach seriously patients, leaving residents in serious danger. With yet another housing development on the point of completion, in adjacent Solihull Road, has proper consideration been given to the pot-holed roads, pedestrian crossings and footpaths? Please bear in mind that these roads and footpaths are frequently used by the disabled (in mobility scooters), the elderly and school children. Children from this new development will almost certainly walk down Sharmans Cross Rd to get to school, past this busy junction onto on the new housing estate.
The health and safety of the residents is a duty of care for the Council. As such, this Planning proposal should be rejected.
Loss of yet another sporting facility
I am aware of the benefits of sports for all generations, and am concerned that yet another sports ground may disappear forever. There is a covenant in place on this ground to prevent such losses, so I question how this proposal can be considered.
Increased demand on local medical services
An increase in the number of residents will put pressure on local service such as GP surgeries and local schools. These are all already very stretched, so it is more than likely that local residents will face a poorer services from GPs than they get at present. This causes me great concern, as I rely heavily on these services. Also, if families move into this new development, this will put pressure on pupil numbers at nearby schools. Local families will lose places for their children in these schools to these new (nearer) families.
Change to the neighbourhood
I find it alarming that there is a proposal to build 100 houses in this relatively small space. This is the same number of houses on the whole of Sharmans Cross Road, which covers a much larger area. This new, dense housing will permanently damage the look and feel of the Sharmans Cross area, which, up until now, has seen large houses with ample gardens and many mature trees. Residents enjoy privacy and peace and quiet. This will all disappear with the development that is proposed.
Please do not allow this to proceed.