
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3092

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Amanda & Stuart Tonks

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 due to loss of highly valued and regularly utilised local recreational green space and wildlife area and consequent adverse impact on quality of life, possibility of access via Shotteswell Road which is a quiet residential road, increased volume of traffic exacerbating congestion on Stretton Road especially at peak times and increasing risk to children walking or cycling to school, on top of traffic from Dickens Heath, and use of green belt land before development of the many viable brownfield sites in Solihull.

Full text:

Objections to Allocation 13 Housing Proposal

To whom it may concern,

As residents of Shotteswell Rd, Shirley we are very concerned about the proposed 600 new houses on allocation 13. Having lived in this area for 10 years, we chose this location due to the open green space in immediate access which myself and children regulary utilise, enhancing our overall quality of life. Open green space such as this is valued within our busy lives and we are deeply concerned at the plans to remove such a facility. Shotteswell Rd is a quiet location and the potential of opening up this road to offer direct access to the new development will have a detrimental impact on my family and our neighbours. Already, traffic on Stretton Rd is so great in the mornings and rush hours, its makes commuting difficult and this development will simply add to this congestion.

Please consider our objections to this proposal on the following grounds;

1) The increased volume of traffic - this is a semi rural location with residential roads not designed for the volume or weight of traffic. The local area services a number of primary schools and Lighthall secondary school as well as pupils commuting to other local secondary schools. Increased traffic makes children's' journey to school more problematic and hazardous. With the government and local authority striving for individuals to have healthy lifestyles and promoting children walking and cycling to school, this plan places the children at greater risk to road traffic accidents. Tanworth Lane and surrounding roads have already had a significant increase in volume of traffic since the development of Dickens Heath estate.

2) Use of green belt land - It is stated by central government and local government that all options of brown land sites will be investigated before green belt land is proposed as possible residential building areas. However, I do believe there are many brown land sites across Solihull that are viable before using this green belt land. Is this because the green belt land and neighboring residential areas are seen more financially incentivised? For example Dickens Heath development has increased in size year by year with the school catchment being attached to a high performing, oversubscribed secondary school despite another local Solihull secondary school being closer in proximity?

3) Use of rural open space areas - this disturbs local wild life and families areas that are safe and in line with central and local government target to provide and maintain these areas for families. Having lived in this area for 10 years, we chose this location at a premium due to the open green space in immediate access which myself and children regulary utilise, enhancing our overall quality of life.

We urge Solihull council to consider these objections and re-consider the planning proposals.