
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3093

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: James Mawson

Representation Summary:

Object to Site 18 as will increase traffic on Sharmans Cross Road which is already a bottleneck with on street parking, traffic and cyclists using footpaths, creating problems for visiting ambulances and hazards for children walking to/from school, will result in loss of yet another sporting facility following Tudor Grange, Lucas, Sharmans Cross middle school, Widney Lane and Robin Hood golf club, contrary to policy to retain land in sports use, additional population will put pressure on already stretched local medical services, and development is too dense, out of character with surrounding area and will create extra noise and pollution.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18 (Solihull)

My objections to the above proposed application are listed below:
Traffic congestion
It will increase the amount of traffic on to Sharmans Cross Road which is already a bottleneck and a nightmare for residents. It is a busy bus route; in parts of the road buses have to pull up on to the footpath to avoid parked cars or oncoming vehicles. Cars also partly park on footpaths which are narrow in places, and which are frequently used by cyclists. Another 100-200 cars leaving this new site will make this road so much busier, and create dangerous, congested driving conditions. How will ambulances services meet target times and be able to attend seriously ill patients if they are faced with this volume of traffic? Also, this proposal for houses is in addition to a significant development (in progress) on neighbouring Solihull Road, less than a mile away. When completed, this development will also contribute to the amount of traffic on the roads.
Safety risk to pedestrians
I occasionally walk around this area, but feel that the extra flow of traffic into and out of the new development will make the 'town end' of Sharmans Cross Road very busy and dangerous for pedestrians. I would imagine that the school children who currently walk unaccompanied down this side of the road to Sharmans Cross Junior School will be prevented from doing in the future for safety reasons.
Loss of yet another sporting facility
I have taken part in sports all through my life, and am aware of the benefits for people across all age groups. At the age of 85 I still enjoy sports twice a week. Since I moved into my house at Sharmans Cross Road, park and sports grounds have been steadily purchased for development of houses resulting in the loss of part of Tudor Grange Park, Lucas Sports Ground (Prospect Lane), Sharmans Cross Middle School and playing fields (now Ashwell Crescent estate), football ground on Widney Lane, part of Robin Hood Golf Club. I believe that there is a covenant in place to ensure this old rugby club land is only used for sports so wonder how this development can even be considered.
Increased demand on local medical services
I understand the local medical centres already have large numbers of patients enrolled. An increase of families will obviously increase the demand for local GP surgeries, putting further pressure on already stretched medical services. This in turn will result in local residents suffering a poorer service from their doctors. As a pensioner, this is not a situation that I feel at all comfortable about.
Change to the neighbourhood
The area around Sharmans Cross is known for its trees and open spaces. Houses are spread out and very private, with large drives and well established gardens. A development of over 100 houses is not consistent with this and will destroy the feel of this area. This development is far too dense for the neighbourhood. This will create extra noise and pollution for existing residents.
I urge you to listen to the views of local residents.