
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3096

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Joan Rochford

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as local schools oversubscribed so where will new children attend, will add to congestion on roads and route to town centre with consequent impact on attractiveness, compromise road safety in the vicinity of the school during construction, discourage cycling being promoted by Government, exacerbate issues of parking and pollution at the school affecting children's health, local medical services are oversubscribed, will reduce green space learning opportunities for schoolchildren and recreational facilities to encourage healthy exercise, loss of green space will increase risk of flooding and reduce wildlife habitats, and development out of character with surroundings.

Full text:


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am voicing my concern over the proposed housing development on Sharmans Cross Road.

As a local resident and a senior teacher at a primary school I am alarmed to hear the council is proposing to have a building site in such close proximity to the school. Our schools are well and truly oversubscribed so where do you propose the children from the new homes would attend?
The roads are very congested as it is and this will only add to it. Road Safety should be a top priority as this is always a scrutiny focus when schools are inspected, but this will be compromised with all the heavy vehicles and machinery the proposed building site would bring. Parking at the school is already and issue and this will only add to it.
The increased traffic will also add to the congestion on the roads leading in and out of the town centre. If the traffic becomes too much, visitors will shy away from the town centre which will have a detrimental affect on finances for businesess. There are way too many empty shops in the town centre and less visiotrs will exasperate the probelm.

Think about the increased pollution with all the building work and increased vehicles. Is this appropriate for children to breath in while they are playing outdoors at breaktime? The long term cost to the NHS on asthma and allergy medication is a huge factor.
The medical centres are all over subscribed so how is the council planning to accomadate all the additional residents?

The Governent are promoting cycling and this area is a designated cycle route. Increased traffic will not be conducive to this.

I am aware a new housing development will generate more income for the council but please think of the long term affects on the environment. I work in a school where there is no surrounding greenery for the children so I know the detrimental affect this has on well being and morale. At the moment the Children at Sharman's Cross School have a wealth of learning opportunities with all the surrounding sports pitches and open spaces but this will be greatly reduced if you take this away. It will put so much pressure on the limited sites we have as everyone will want to use them at similar times.
Increasingly up and down the country sports grounds are being churned up for new housing and once removed they can never be replaced. This is not an acceptable for future generations. As the Government is fighting an obesity epidemic it would make far more sense to keep sports grounds so people have more affordable opportunities to stay fit and healthy, this will save money in the long run.

Consider the consequences to environment! It is a proven fact the natural open spaces helps to reduce flooding and as Sharman's Cross Road is already subject to flooding this will only magnify the problem. This will again cost the council money to rectify if the proposed site goes ahead. This area is a sanctuary for a plethora of wildlife. Where will the wildlife go if their homes are bulldozed?

I purposely moved to this area as it had character and is a highly desirable location. A housing estate will not be in keeping with the character properties surrounding it.

Please consider the points I have made. Once the land is destroyed it will never be returnd to its current beauty. We need to encourage sports
to imrpove the nations fitness levels, the rugby pitch is perfect area to do this. The sports ground will forge links to improve community cohesion and therefore reduce crime. Again this will save the council money in the long term.