
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 310

Received: 16/01/2017

Respondent: Russell Trevis

Representation Summary:

Object due to loss of informal recreational land used by walkers and dog walkers,
loss of Green Belt land, inadequate infrastructure of Shirley to cope with the extra houses as the A34 is already congested, there are not enough schools in the area and the 2 schools in our catchment are oversubscribed, and there will be major issues for medical facilities in Shirley.
Where are you proposing to re site all the football fields you are planning on destroying?

Full text:

Hi Policy and Spatial Planning
My name is Russell Trevis I live at No 76 Binley close Shirley can I can i please opposed the above planning application. I have lived in my road for 14 Years i have used the the proposed land daily for all these years where i have taken my children for walks and also my dogs. I was under the impression that the land you are applying to build on was actually green belt land so why are you building? I cannot believe the infrastructure of Shirley can cope with the extra houses you are planning on building. I travel to Derby each day to work (my worst part of the journey is the a34 towards the M42 junction 4) and in the mornings it can take up to 30 mins just to get down the A34 it is totally gridlocked. When i get home around at 5.30 again the A34 is like a car park. Where are you proposing to re site all the football fields you are planning on destroying, my son plays for Highgate Utd which is based on Tilehouse Lane. There are also not enough schools in the area the 2 schools in our catchment are Light Hall and Alderbrook both schools last year were oversubscribed. What about medical facilities in Shirley to get a doctors appointment within 7 days is almost impossible so building 1000's of new homes will cause major issues here to.

I expect a e mail back with your proposal/answers to my questions in the mean time i will be consulting with my lawyer with the legality of your proposal