
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3101

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Gaynor Dolby

Representation Summary:

Object to inclusion of Arden club in housing Site 18 as club members not informed of proposals, proposed replacement Community Club with multi use sports hall and no bar is inadequate, reduction in parking to Arden club ludicrous as already struggle to park, floodlighting of courts likely to be an issue, and housing an unsuitable use which will adversely affect people's enjoyment.

Full text:

To Whom it may concern

I, as a long standing member of Solihull Tennis Arden Club would very much like to oppose the building of the intended 100 new houses, many of which will be deemed as affordable, on the ex-rugby ground.

In the first instance, I was very much shocked to even hear about this news via some members who I play tennis with. It seems as non of the actual paying members at the club had been informed of this proposal which I find rather strange as we are the people that this decision will affect, along with the Sharmans Cross residents!

From what I can gather, our Club as we know and enjoy its facilities now, is due to be knocked down in favour of a ''Community Club'' which will have a ''Sports Hall'' for any type of activity to take place and also no Bar. It will no longer be a Members club, as I hear and I feel that this, having been a member for many years, is such a necessary and enjoyable part of the Tennis/Racket club.

The thought also of only having 24 car parking spaces is ludicrous! We, as paying members, struggle to park now after having the hot Pod Yoga site being used so regularly!

Another issue would be the flood lights. I know that previous Committee/Board members have often fought long and hard to get our flood lights where they ae now (an essential part of our club for our members who like to play all year round, myself included).

It would be a sad day to have our beloved Arden bought to the ground in favour of some houses, with the thought just to get in some more Council Tax Revenue....

I am sure that something else can be done with the free land that was the Ex-rugby ground? Please don't take away our Club!! With it, you will be taking away lots of peoples Total Life Enjoyment and this would be, in my mind, a cruel thing to do!

I do hope that we, as Members, will be updated on the progress or better still, the opposal of this going through!