
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3108

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Judith Harris

Representation Summary:

Object to loss of green belt and 'green lung' when all areas of brownfield/derelict land have not been investigated/considered, no consideration of impacts of HS2 on village which will be exacerbated by further building, will result in loss of village identity turning it into a commuter village for Birmingham, extra traffic will gridlock area, parking already inadequate and people will not walk or use public transport, extra demands on schools and medical facilities, failure to provide by-pass will cause traffic/pollution problems, area around station subject to flooding, Greenway amenities will be destroyed and will not provide truly affordable housing.

Full text:

Having studied the draft, I find it very alarming and disappointing in many respects. Whilst I realise housing is required in the borough, I feel that all areas of development on brown field and derelict sites have not been fully investigated and considered.
To build on Green Belt is disgusting both for existing residents and those who will come in the future. Care must be taken or the result will be no "Green Lung" in the centre of England but a "Concrete Corridor" from the Black Country to the Cotswolds. In this area HS2 will impact on the village tremendously so the last thing needed is further disruption and chaos from building development.
The village is loosing is identity and will become a commuter village for Birmingham (perhaps even be absorbed by it). The extra traffic will grid lock the area. The present situation in the village centre for parking is a joke! So despite the plan's "idea" that everyone will walk or take public transport to the shops, schools, medical services will not happen. The car rules -school runs, nippng to the shops and visits to the doctors, dentists etc..
The demands on schools in the next 20 years + will grows together with the health requirements for young and old.
The Barretts Farm development has not been thought through regarding probable access from the propose by-pass if built? If not it will cause traffic and pollution problems. The area around the Station is possibly a water meadow/marsh but there is a limit to the run-off rom the house and roads it can take resulting in flooding. The Greenway amenities will be destroyed or damaged and as HS2 will have an impact it will only add to the problems for walkers, cyclist and the wildlife it does not bare thinking about.

It seems that "green sites" are quite a temptation to developers as no cleaning up is required so the development works out more cost effective. The promise of affordable housing for local young people or the older members of the community is a bit of a myth, just look at the prices of the current build on Kenilworth Road.
I'm not a NIMBY but consideration of existing residents needs to be shown. Everyone wants a bit of England's green and pleasant land but we don't want an island of housing developments simply because our population has expanded so much.

We all need a safe place to live but not at the expense of sacrificing village life