
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3109

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Sara Shaw

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 4 as concentration of growth in one area unbelievable, land is green belt, highway infrastructure unfit to take extra traffic with country lanes already breaking up, Whitlocks End station already over capacity at peak times, already suffering increase in accidents in Haslucks Green Road, use of roads by horse riders becoming unsafe, and need for proper risk analysis of plans to walkers/cyclists/horse riders.

Full text:

I have been looking at the draft plan for my local area and can't believe the proposal of so many houses in one area, as highlighted the area is mainly green belt land that is proposed to be built on as it was when Dickens Heath was built.

The infer-structure in that area can not be fit to take all the extra vehicle this will bring to the area a number of the roads are country lanes and already breaking up with banks falling in.

Whitlocks end station is bedlam at rush hour and the need for the brights sign in the world to go up due to a number of accidents happening in the last year on the corner of Haslucks green road.

Many people ride their horses around this area and with the volume of traffic this will no longer be safe.

I would be interested to know the risk analysis increase to walkers/cyclist/horse riders for these proposed plans compared to before Dickens Heath and Since Dickens Heath.