
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3118

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Rebecca Stephen

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as additional traffic will exacerbate congestion and pollution on Sharmans Cross Road/Streetsbrook Road especially at peak times and be danger to school children, pedestians and cyclists, access to Winterbourne Road/Beaminster Road is unsuitable owing to width and quiet residential character, would increase demand for school places where local schools already oversubscribed and for medical services, design and density out of character with surrounding area, and will result in loss of sporting facilities.

Full text:

I live at Beaminster Road Solihull with my husband and 3 children, aged 7, 5 and 3. We have lived here for 3.5 years. My children all attend local schools in the area - 1 of whom currently attends Sharmans Cross Junior School and it is hoped the other two will follow him there in due course.

I am writing to object to the proposed development of building 100 homes on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road. Particular issues of concern to me which I would like notrd as objections are:-

* Increased traffic - I drive down Sharmans Cross Road every week day morning around 8am to drop my children off at school breakfast club. The traffic queues back for a significant way along Sharmans Cross road waiting to turn right on to Streetsbrook Rd into and it's the same again in the evening around 5:30pm. This development will increase this gridlock due to increased traffic and is a danger to pedestrians and cyclists. Of particular concern is the danger to school children walking or dropping siblings off at Sharmans Cross school, many of whom who in the final year of school are walking to and from school unaccompanied. Equally I would strongly object to accessing the development from Winterbourne Road - Winterbourne and Beaminster roads are currently both quiet residential roads which are not designed to hold increased levels of traffic both in terms of width and character of the area. Increased traffic will also in turn lead to increased pollution.

* Demand for schools - this development would increase the demand for schooling in an area where many of the schools are already fully or over subscribed. The same is likely to be the case for GP surgeries..

* Suitability - a development of new build 2 story houses all tightly packed in together will destroy the character and is not in keeping with the surrounding neighbourhood.

* Loss of sporting facilities - the loss of very popular sporting facilities used by a wide range of the community cannot be underestimated.
