
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3135

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Arul & Lye Quen Hon Kanagarajah

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Will not provide sufficient basic amenities and lead to oversubscription of schooling, healthcare and recreational facilities. Unsustainable.
Loss of existing sporting grounds which will not be replaced.
Thought land was under covenant for sporting uses only.
Loss of greenery and habitat for wildlife.
More houses lead to more pollution.
Higher risk of flooding within local area.
Increase in traffic and lack of parking will affect local school and pre-existing residents. Direct impact on safety of pedestrians and cyclists.
Understand good intentions of the Council to provide housing but this will have negative impact on local population.

Full text:

proposed Housing allocation 18

We wish to raise an objection to the housing development on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road

There are several reasons on why the above proposal is a disaster for the local community

- 100 houses is overdevelopment in an area which will not provide sufficient basic amenities and will lead to over subscription of schooling, healthcare and recreational facilities. This is not sustainable in the long run.

- the loss of existing sporting grounds which will not be replaced. I was under the impression that there is a covenant on the land which only allows the use of the grounds for sport (formally minuted in 2013 by SMBC) How is it possible for this development to happen?

-There is also loss of greenery and habitat for wildlife such as bats and badgers. More houses leads to more pollution and a higher risk of flooding within the local area

- most importantly, the increase in traffic and lack of parking which will effect the local school and pre existing residents. This will also have a direct impact on the safety of pedestrians and cyclists

We understand the good intentions of the council to provide housing. However this development will have a negative impact on the local population as a whole and should therefore be halted

Thank you for your time.