
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3145

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: R Thompson

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Green fields will be replaced by houses and roads. Fields are irreplaceable.
Loss of drainage capacity of open land from hard surfaces, leading to local flooding.
Loss of wildlife.
Not benefit from the "trees breathing oxygen" as posted by Woods Farm Christmas Trees.
Lose view of sun over green fields.
No longer 'Urbs in Rure'.

Full text:

Draft Local Plan Site 13 - South of Shirley

To the members of the planning team,
As a long-term resident of Langcomb Road, I wish to register my concerns and ask you to take them into account.

I am concerned that, if the development of Site 13 takes place, green fields will be replaced by houses and roads:-

* We will not have the open land taking rainfall in the fields when they are replaced by hard surfaces - roofs, roads and drives, leading to local flooding
* We will not hear the 'yaffle' call of the Green Woodpecker
* We will not hear ducks calling as they fly from their pond
* We will not hear the calls of owls from the trees
* We will not benefit from the "trees breathing oxygen" as posted by Woods Farm Christmas Trees
* We will not feel the healing peace of seeing the sun over green fields
* Once the fields are gone, they are gone forever.

If this plan goes ahead, it will be URBS IN MORE URBS.
Solihull MBC and this community is worth more than that.
The Council and every single member of the Planning Team will be answerable for this decision in years to come.