
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3159

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Adrian Cox

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Central Government targets are set on housebuilding which results in erosion of Green Belt areas.
Roads around Dog Kennel Lane and Blackford Road are already over contested (sic) by traffic accessing Dickens Heath village.
Complete disregard of speed bumps on Blackford Road; hazardous to children.
Local doctor surgeries are overrun.
When Dickens Heath was built it was agreed there should be a Green Belt buffer to keep Shirley and Dickens Heath separate.
Green Belt should be protected; plenty of other sites which can be redeveloped.

Full text:

It has come to my attention that as part of some "Central Government Targets" that have been set on House building that as a result means the erosion of nearby Green Belt areas close to where I live. I wish to register my objections in the highest regard on plans to build housing on Allocation 12 and 13.

The roads around Dog Kennel Lane and Blackford road are already over contested by traffic accessing nearby Dickens Heath village meaning that we have long waits to get onto Blackford Road via the side road. The traffic that comes through Blackford road also completely disregard the speed bumps meant to calm and slow down traffic further!! By adding even more housing in the area this problem will be exacerbated even further and will not only cause further pollution to the area but also make the surrounding roadways hazardous to children of residents and attendees to nearby schools.

Local Doctors surgeries will be overrun adding to the already increasing problems within NHS doctors surgeries and meaning that current patients will have to endure even longer periods of time before we can even make a doctors appointment.

When Dickens Heath was originally built (To solve the housing problem in Solihull) It was agreed that there should be a Green-Belt Buffer between Shirley and Dickens Heath which would keep the village separate and protect our ever disappearing Green Belt areas. How long before even more targets are set for housing and the rest completely disappears????

Green belt areas are created to protect what little countryside we still have yet it seems this is completely being disregarded by a council and government which I voted in??? There are plenty of other sites which can be redeveloped within the current solihull boundaries without the necessity to overspill into the green belt

I welcome your comments and hope that as my MP I am represented fully both at Commons and Council levels!