
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3160

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Tim Mason

Representation Summary:

Concerns on design of existing Dickens Heath Village and that further development will increase traffic and parking congestion.

Full text:

My Opinion on Dickens Heath.
1. The roads are not wide enough - Common sense would dictate this.
2. The apartments are built with 1.5 spaces per 2 bed apartment.... This will obviously cause an overflow of cars badly parked.... To which your answer is to put down double yellow lines to enforce people parking. E.G If there are 10000 cars and 7500 spaces it is not that hard to work out what is going to happen.
3. Despite the above 2 issues you continue to build more apartments/house's which are only going to make things worse - plus I imagine there will be more parking wardons as it is like a gold mine for them and for the council.
4. Who the hell approved 40% social housing allowance on the new build estate's yet in rundown area's such as Rowley Regis they have new build plots with just 5% social housing on.
5. The infrastructure does not support the village and yet you allow more building to take place without improving this first - you are clearly just milking the area for as much cash as possible with little or no thought given about the residents.