
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 318

Received: 17/01/2017

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Vernon & Phyllis Brookes

Representation Summary:

Object to site as the amount of housing in the vicinity has almost doubled already including loss of some green space, and whilst there is a need for housing, locating 41% of the housing proposed in Shirley is much too high, will exacerbate already horrendous traffic, take away Green Belt land and an important recreational bridle path on the edge of the countryside.

Full text:

Proposed site in Shirley
My husband & I wish to protest against the proposed site in Shirley. We have been in residence here for 40 yrs & are both getting on in years. The amount of housing in the time we have lived here has almost doubled, even taking up some of our local park area. The 41% which the council have proposed to put here is much too high, apart from the traffic (which is already horrendous) our green belt is being taken away from us, we will now have nowhere to take an afternoon stroll.
As we are both in our 80's & my husband (who is 86) & an invalid it is the only place near enough for me to be able to push him in his wheelchair to get a little bit of country life, so the Bridle path is very important to us & of course dog owners too, let alone all the walkers that use it. While we appreciate that there is a need for more houses, surely 41% is MUCH too high for a place like Shirley. Please reconsider, as some of us don't have too many years left to enjoy our little walks & taking away our Bridle Path is a step too far.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Phyllis Brookes & Mr Vernon Brookes.