
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3188

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Ruth Neal

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Loss of green space for recreation and wellbeing.
Loss of wildlife.
Dickens Heath growing at tremendous rate, no longer a village.
Roads around Tidbury Green and Earlswood are in a bad state. Will only get worse.

Full text:

I was very concerned to hear about the amount of new housing planned for around the Shirley area. It is a hugh number of houses to be built on our very precious green belt, which we seem to be looseing at an alarming rate.

The proposed 600 homes adjacent to the Woodlands and Badgers Estate is especially concerning, as many people including myself walk over those fields. I have seen Buzzards and Kestrels there, also cows grazing at certain times of the year, it is very peaceful there, an oasis from the busy roads surrounding Shirley.

Dickens Heath is growing at a tremendous rate, houses now being built down Cleobury and Braggs Farm Lanes, certainly not a village anymore.

We need our 'green lungs' to escape from the urban sprawl, and general racket of modern day life. The roads around Tidbury Green(more houses being built there) and the Earlswood area are in a bad state at the moment and will only get worse if all this extra building goes ahead.

Once we have lost our precious green fields, they have gone for ever.