
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3217

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: A & V Blake

Representation Summary:

Site 4, 11, 12, 13 Objection.

Should be fairer distribution of housing.
Recent development in Cheswick Green and Dickens Heath already added to congestion.
Proposed development of 2550 houses will increase strain on road infrastructure, including air and noise pollution.
Loss of green space for community benefit and health.
Loss of green corridor to canal and countryside.
Loss of wildlife.
Retain Green Belt between Shirley and Dickens Heath.

Full text:

Draft Local Development Plan- South Shirley

As residents of Blackford Road we are concerned about the draft consultation proposals in this and surrounding areas.

In recent years this area has already seen the development of Dickens Heath and at present the two phases at Cheswick Place. During the morning & evening rush hours, Blackford Road has become very busy with Tamworth Lane and Dog Kennel Lane all now regularly having tailbacks of traffic. Stratford Road is also almost at a standstill in the morning, from Cranmore Road to Monkspath Hall Road.

The proposed further development of 2550 houses will only serve to increase the strain on the infrastructure causing other problems including air and sound pollution.

This area should not loose anymore green space which benefits the community and our health. The green corridor with access to the canal and countryside beyond should be retained.There should also be green belt between South Shirley and the built area of Dickens Heath.

It would be preferable to see a fairer distribution across the Borough rather than 2550 houses, in addition to those already in the process of construction, being built in such close proximity to Shirley South.