
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3222

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: HC, JR, CJ, J, N Easton, O'Brien, Shaw

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Loss of wildlife and nature rich habitats.
Transport issues, congestion and highways safety along Bills Lane.
1,500 homes means 2000 more cars. Cause disruption and chaos on already busy roads.
Loss of Green Belt.
Well loved and well used space by Shirley residents.

Full text:

Objection to proposed plans for Shirley
Dear Sir/Madam

We strongly object to the proposed development between Bills Lane and Tamworth Lane:
This area is extremely rich in wildlife, which any building development would destroy forever. There are several ponds here, which contain great-crested newts, that are a protected species. Plus they provide breeding habitats for dragon flies, damsel flies etc.
The meadows are abundant with wildflowers in the spring and summer. Plus the hedgerows are ancient hedgerows, which is evident from the variety of species growing within them. Furthermore there are many mature oak trees that provide much needed habitats for hundreds of insect species.

We have sighted many important bird species in this green area that are in decline in much of Britain. These include cuckoos, which we hear every spring; lapwings; ravens; barn owls; starlings etc. We have also seen and heard tawny owls, bramblings, red wings, buzzards and kestrels, with greater spotted woodpeckers and green woodpeckers also nesting in the trunks of the mature oak trees.

Of course these meadows provide a valuable and much needed home for foxes, badgers( with their setts protected by law), hedgehogs (that are becoming scarce) and muntjac deer. This green belt land is also an essential ecological link, or wildlife corridor between existing green spaces in Solihull to the countryside to the south. To build on these meadows would have a catastrophic impact on the wildlife that I have mentioned and resulting in their disappearance forever!

We go running several times a week along the canal towpath (where we see kingfishers) and we run around the meadows. So we are able to see first hand what a significant site that this is for wildlife. It is also of paramount importance to other Shirley residents like us, who enjoy this green belt land for walking, running, dog walking, bird watching, family outings etc.

Of course there would be horrendous transport problems too: As we live just off Bills Lane we know how busy, particularly at rush hour time, Bills Lane can be. It is dangerous for me when I cycle to and from work ( in Monkspath Hall Road) as there is so much traffic. The pavements are also dangerous to walk on as they are particularly narrow on the section of Bills Lane that we live near. By building over 1,500 houses here could well mean 2000 more cars in our local vicinity! This would cause complete chaos and disruption to these already extremely busy roads.

Furthermore this proposed development would be a massive impact upon our local services, for example our doctor surgeries, schools and hospitals, by having several thousand more residents needing to use them. All of which are over stretched as it is.

Lastly Solihull council seem to be determined to destroy the green belt around the Shirley and Tidbury Green area. Solihull Council definitely need to rethink and find suitable alternative sites, not wipe out forever this well loved and well used green belt area that we local Shirley people are fighting to protect.