
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3223

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Samantha Setchell

Representation Summary:

Site 4 Objection.

Significant increase in traffic volume and hazardous driving behaviour in Majors Green in last 15 years.
Expanding Dickens Heath will make traffic worse as residents commute to Birmingham and elsewhere.
Loss of football pitches. Impact on local children and opportunities for sport and recreation.
Loss of green space.

Full text:

I write regarding the planned development from the current edge of Dickens Heath to Whitlocks End and express my concern about the potential increase in traffic on the surrounding roads.

Over the past 14 years of living in Major's Green, we seen a significant increase in the volume of traffic and a change in the behaviour of drivers who use the roads of Major's Green in a way they were not designed for. In our end of Peterbrook Road, both our opposite neighbours and ourselves have had drivers lose control of their vehicles and enter our gardens. I know there are several others in adjoining roads who have experienced the same. Crossing our own road is not something we feel safe in doing and in the next few years, our children will need to walk themselves to school, which is quite terrifying.

Expanding the Dickens Heath development can only make things worse as people commute out of the area to work in Birmingham and elsewhere - the roads as they are just cannot sustain a significant further increase in the amount of traffic that is using it.

I am also completely dismayed by the plan to build on the football pitches at the end of Tythe Barn Lane. Our children have few enough opportunities to get sufficient physical exercise and the football clubs provide an ideal way for both boys and girls to play together and learn to work as a team. Even if alternative pitches are provided further afield, it will be more difficult for people to get there.

We love living in our area and really don't want to take that opportunity away from others, but I hope you will think very carefully about the surrounding roads and other infrastructure before approving so many more homes to be built on this green space.