
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3242

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs J Campbell

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Existing congestion at peak hours.
Constant stream of traffic from Dickens Heath to Tanworth Lane.
Roads cannot cope with additional traffic.
More pollution.
Already overstretched health care system. Why A&E is flooded.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of green space for recreation and health benefits.
Loss of Urbs in Rure.

Full text:

I wish to register my objection to the mass building of new houses in the south of Shirley and in particular building on Allocation 13.

I have been living in Shotteswell Road for the last 20 years and the traffic over this time has got worse and worse. The congestion in the morning is ridiculous and a half hour journey takes over an hour. The constant stream of traffic from Dickens Heath means it is very difficult to even leave Tanworth Lane! All these new houses will presumably have cars and the roads will just not be able to cope with the increase in traffic. Also more cars means more pollution which will affect the health of people living in this area.

Another reason for my objection is the already over stretched health care system. Getting an appointment at the GP has become increasingly difficult. Recently I tried to be seen by the doctor and rang at 8.00 am on two consecutive days only to be told all appointments had gone. This is why A and E departments are flooded with people. How are doctors surgeries going to accommodate all the extra patients that new housing will produce?

My particular objection to building on Allocation 13 is that this is an area rich in wildlife. We regularly see owls, foxes, bats, sparrow hawks, jays, woodpeckers and many different types of finches in our back garden. It would be absolutely criminal to destroy all their natural habitat. The residents around this area have enjoyed having this wildlife in their gardens for years and they do not deserve to have it taken away from them. Many people use this area for walking, exercising and walking their dogs. We are told to get out and be more healthy but you plan to take this beautiful area away from them. It essential to the health and wellbeing of Shirley residents. The motto of Solihull is 'Urbs in Rure'. We will have no rural area left if this plan goes ahead.

I urge you to look at other areas to build on or at least to scale down the development to a more reasonable level. You will be ruining a beautiful area that people have enjoyed living in for many years.