
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3262

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Judy Hill

Representation Summary:

Site 13 Objection.

Loss of only direct access to countryside.
Loss of areas for children's play and recreation.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of Green Belt. Already lost a lot.
Will increase strain on local services, schools, doctors.
Already congested roads.
Reduction in quality of life.
41% of development is disproportionate. Should share more fairly.
Loss of tranquility.

Full text:

Objection to allocation 4 and 13

I am registering my objection to the proposed housing development. The loss of 9 football pitches and 2 rugby pitches is disgusting. The loss of our only direct access to countryside. We may as well live in Birmingham City Centre, what will be the difference? We chose to live in Shirley for a reason. where will our children play? where will the numerous football clubs re-allocate sensibly to? Where will our children ride their bikes? Where will we walk our dogs? Where will the wildlife go?

Having lived in Shirley for over 30 years I have witnessed many areas of greenbelt swallowed up - this is our only bit left!

The impact of these proposed houses will have a huge detrimental effect on Shirley and Dickens Heath and our intolerable strain on local services, Schools, Doctors and increase the already congested reads in the area.

Please re-visit the potential other areas in the borough that 'can' absorb some of this capacity. Surely Shirley cannot be the only area possible for 41% of the new housing that the borough has to build? Why lump it all in one small place that is already bursting at the seams?

If approved this will devastate a tranquil area and will bring misery to many families, and not just local families as for many years this area and Bridle Pathway has become recognised as a tranquil place of Beauty and a nature walk. Not to mention the cyclists, dog walkers, horse riders, etc...

Finally - and very worryingly - the many football clubs and rugby clubs that will simply be demolished leaving our children without clubs or open spaces or fitness. I believe they are all to be moved to the nearby 'Shirley Town' - which is laughable, considering we already struggle to fit in training and matches with the already overstretched population of children in Shirley. I cannot see a way in which you can extend Shirley Town and with the proposed amount of extra housing coming to the area, it will only bring with it more children. It will NOT work. Our children will definitely suffer if this goes ahead. The future of Shirley will change If this goes ahead, and certainly not for the better.

Yours sincerely