
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3265

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Dylan Steele

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 13.

Loss of wildlife.
Loss of open space.
Loss of rural character.

Full text:

Email and Poem

My name is Dylan Steele and I am 19 years old. I currently live in Australia (where I emigrated to in 2009 after 11 years living in the Shirley area) but am part of a Facebook group which I am sure you are aware of by now given the sudden bombardment of emails pertaining to Allocation 13. However, I unlike the rest of the group members am not here to moan/complain. Life is too short for negativity and complacency. And in all fairness I don't really see the effect of 100 emails all saying the same thing which you are probably reading, sending the same reply to all, and then deleting. So instead I have taken a slightly different angle at my approach in emailing you. Several years ago I was asked to write a poem about a fond childhood memory (school project) and I wrote about my experiences walking the dogs with my grandpa in the fields which have adopted the rather inappropriate name "Allocation 13." After hearing the news which spread across social media I instantly thought of my poem and searched through my laptops archives to find it. I have altered the poem slightly to suit the current scenario and fixed grammar mistakes because my 13 year old self can't spell. But I just want you to understand how much even a 13 year old thinks of those fields. You see adults give their "reasons" as to why they don't want Allocation 13 built, they argue with their minds. Children however argue with their hearts. I am no longer classified as a child but I want you to forget that and just think of 13 year old me from here on in. I have included my poem in this email and I do hope you have the time to read it. Just to finish, Allocation 13 does not effect me in any way being over 10,000 miles away. But at the same time it effects me in every way. I hope you understand.