
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3266

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Oliver Turley

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Overdevelopment of site. Will be out of character with surrounding area.
Previous application less houses and refused.
Cause increased traffic and congestion on already busy road.
Increased danger to pedestrians and cyclist.
Increased in parking and congestion.
Loss of green space.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of sports facilities. Land covenanted in 2013 for sports use. Solihull has low adult participation in sports.

Full text:

Objection to LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I would like to put forward my objections to the above Proposed Housing Allocation 18. The reasons being:

1. Over Development: The proposed development of 100 houses is completely out of character with the surrounding area - roads such as Sharmans Cross Road, Winterbourne Road and Welcombe Grove.
The proposal of 100 houses is 15% MORE than the 87 houses proposed by Oakmoor developers 6 years ago, which the council turned down.
The 100 houses or dwellings would inevitably be accomplished by using buildings of multiple floors which is completely out of character with the surrounding area.

2. Traffic Congestion: 100 houses would inevitably lead to increased traffic and congestion on an already very busy road. Some owners / occupiers may have no cars; many will have more than one.

3. Increased Dangers to Pedestrians and Cyclists: The greatly increased volume of traffic will create additional dangers for pedestrians and cyclists (who use the designated cycle route), including the many young school children who walk and cycle to the nearby Sharmans Cross Junior school. The Council's Road Safety Team has been working with the school to promote walking and cycling to school. The development would increase the dangers to the children.

4. Parking Congestion: The very high density of housing proposed would lead to parking congestion on site and nearby roads. New developments lack sufficient provision for owner or visitor parking. This will lead to vehicles being parked on adjacent roads such as Sharmans Cross Road, Woodside Way, Dorchester Road and Winterbourne Road.
The proposal means the Solihull Arden Tennis Club could lose 75 parking spaces which would also increase congestion and parking problems.

5. Environment: The area is a well-established green space with many mature trees and areas of wildlife, including bats and badgers. I regularly see bats flying around my garden.

6. Sports Facilities: The site has a long history of being used for sports and activities. The Council should be encouraging this not abandoning its own commitments. In 2013 the Council minuted its policy for the use of sports grounds for sports. The Council should be promoting the use of sports venues and facilities as Sport England has found Solihull falls into the 3rd quarter for adult participation in sports.