
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3269

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Kate Routledge

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Development will ruin local character. 100 houses is out of scale. Likely to be more than 2 storeys high, loss of light and privacy.
Already extremely busy road. Increased traffic will worsen congestion and cause pollution. Harm to pedestrian and cyclist safety.
Loss of TPOs.
Loss of wildlife.
Permanent loss of sporting facilities. Already a shortage of pitches in Solihull.
Increased parking on surrounding roads.
Schools and surgeries already oversubscribed.
Not comply with NPPF accessibility criteria. 1000m from Solihull Station and 1700m from town centre.
Land covenanted for sports use by Council.
Previous application was refused.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I am writing as both a resident based at 1 Welcombe Grove, B91 1PD and also as a member of Solihull Arden Tennis Club to object to the proposed development on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road.

The reasons for my objection are as follows:

1. The development will ruin the character of the neighbourhood. 100 houses is out of scale with the existing housing and character of the neighbourhood. The buildings will almost certainly be more than 2 stories high which is going to lead to a complete change of character and will also lead to loss of light, loss of privacy and crowding.

2. Sharmans Cross Road is already an extremely busy road. The additional houses will cause enormous increased traffic together with the associated pollution. It is currently very difficult to drive down Sharmans Cross Road at times when the children are coming in and out of school and with so many additional houses, potentially serious accidents to pedestrians seem almost inevitable. Further this is a designated cycle route which again could become very dangerous for any cyclists trying to use it as such.

3. Increased traffic is bound to cause more traffic problems particularly at the very busy junction with the Streetsbrook Road which sees gridlock at rush hour times.

4. The area has significant environmental benefits and contains many mature trees with Tree Preservation Orders and some Woodland Protection Orders. The significant amount of building that has already been approved on Alderbrook Road and associated roads has led to a loss of environment for wildlife including badgers, bats and foxes. Converting such a large area of land to more intense housing will lead to further impact on the environment in both terms of loss of space for children and residents to enjoy as well as even more loss of habitat for wildlife.

5. The area was previously used by the Solihull Rugby Club. If the land is now used for housing this will be a permanent loss of sporting facilities. Once this ground is lost it can never be regained. There is already a shortage of pitches in Solihull and hence it seems more sensible to consider using this land for sport or recreational purposes for the benefit of the whole community particularly given that the structure for sporting facilities is already there.

6. The parking for the new development will inevitably be very cramped and is likely to lead to more cars being parked on Sharmans Cross Road causing more traffic chaos. In addition this Solihull Arden Tennis Club will lose a considerable number of car parking spaces. The car park at Solihull Arden is full most evenings and loss of spaces to park at the club will mean club members will have to park in Sharmans Cross Road causing traffic congestion and difficulties for residents in that road.

7. The schools and surgeries close by are already oversubscribed. Creating more housing without increasing the facilities available is going to put more pressure on already overstretched services. No doubt local residents with suffer.

8. I understand the National Planning Policy Framework requires developments to have access to local amenities within 800m/10 minutes walk. The site is 1000m from Solihull Station and 1700m from Solihull town centre and so these criteria are not met.

9. SMBC formally minuted in 2013 its policy with regard to use of the grounds only for sport and that they would not sell the freehold. I would like reaffirmation of this policy which implies that this development is inappropriate for including in the LDP. One previous application for this site has been refused and another withdrawn.

I would be grateful if you could take note of the above objections when considering the proposal.