
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3273

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Karen Farragher

Representation Summary:

Support Site 9.

Support re-development of Arden Academy.
Not enough homes to meet current demands, will get worse in the future.
Arden Academy can be community focus.

Full text:

I write in support of the proposed development on the current Arden Academy sight. I do not have enough expertise to clarify how many homes should be built there but it would be an ideal location.

As a parent with two children at the school currently and two others to join in the coming years I would be delighted to see the re-development of the school. It is crying out for it. I would challenge anyone not to agree when they look closely!!!

These pupils are hopefully the future residents of KDBH and as it stands there are not enough homes to meet current demands let alone in their future. We as parents need to voice our support for them. Arden Academy should be the focus and main attraction for families in the area and it probably will not be if the plans do not go ahead. The school currently collaborates with the local primary schools so well and it would be wonderful for them to enjoy and appreciate up to date state of the art facilities.

I appreciate the concerns of the forum members but in my opinion the site is the perfect option as it already 'developed' meaning minimum aesthetic disturbance.