
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3278

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Alan La Touche

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Loss of sporting facility.
Land deemed to be for sport use only in 2013.
Developer has overcharged for grounds and prevented use of land for sport.
Not well maintained.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of green space and trees will harm local character.
Increased traffic will exacerbate existing congestion and parking issues.
Alternative roads are not suitable for volume of traffic.

Full text:

Subject: LDP- proposed Housing Allocation 18
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am emailing my objections to the proposed building of 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road. I am a local resident and I have been a member of Arden Tennis Club for a number of years.

My reasons are outlined below:

1. The loss of sporting facilities.
a. The grounds have been owned by the Arden Club for many years and been used by many in the area for years. The facilities in which many rely on as part of the daily routine to exercise and support their lifestyle. There is already a shortage of sporting facilities which includes Tennis facilitates. The facilities in the other venues are already packed and constantly busy. So this would put more pressure on existing facilities.
b. This space which many want to use for sport and exercise, but have been unable to proceed to develop this because of barriers put in their way to prevent them. The use of land was also deemed in 2013 to be use for sport only - yet this seems to be under threat.
c. The developer has prevented use of this land for sports use to by charging exorbitant rates. This would be unaffordable to local football and rugby clubs who are dependent upon modest subscriptions. There is no incentive for the developer who leases the Rugby club land to maintain the rugby field suitable state for sports to be played, as his vested interest is to build on the land. It also suits the builders narrative if the land falls into poor state of repair as there would be less resistance in using the land for housing.
d. The builder who leases the land should ensure it is kept properly maintained i.e. Grass cut, Facilities maintained to ensure no alternative motive is being used to acquire the land.

2. Loss of Green spaces for Nature in urban environment.
a. The loss of green land would have a major impact on the overall area and the wildlife in which it contains. Currently the range of birds and wildlife in the area enhance this living environment for many .It has provided an nature corridor for many & the range of different birds we received in this area has increased. The building work would destroy the natural environment - loss of trees and green and space and would completely destroy the character in which has developed over the years.

3. Increased Traffic would also be an issue.
a. It's already busy on the Streetsbrook Road during peak time and the Sharman's Cross Junction with Streetsbrook Road yet this development would lead to huge traffic disruption for all in the vicinity. The traffic caused by lorries and extra cars and if building was to commence the infrastructure would change completely.
b. If alternative routes are used for access to the proposed site, like Winterbourne Road, then the roads supporting this are not suitable for the volume of traffic using winterbourne and Beaminster Road.

These are not exhaustive reasons but highlight some of my concerns.

Kind Regards