
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3279

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Shaida Zaman

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Heavily congested area with commuters and school run.
More development will result in serious impact on highway safety and danger to pedestrians, especially children.
Overdevelopment of site. Will destroy current character of neighbourhood.
Lack of amenities. Train station and town centre 1000-1100m away.
Local bus services only run every half hour Mon-Sat and every hour on Sunday.
GPs and primary schools 1500m from site with no direct bus links.
Local junior school oversubscribed.
Land covenanted for sports use. Only publicly accessible sports ground in the vicinity.

Full text:

LDP- proposed allocation 18
I am a local resident writing to object to the proposed development of 100 houses on the current rugby ground located on Sharmanscross road.

Firstly, having lived in this area for the last 9 years I have seen the growing congestion in and around the sharmanscross area (sharmanscross road, Dorchester road and streetsbrook road).
As you are aware sharmanscross road is the main road coming into Solihull from Shirley, and this is the main route for those working in the centre of Solihull/touchwood In addition, there is also a school on the road which further adds to the grid lock of traffic in the morning for commuters between the hours of 07:45 to 09:00 as I am currently experiencing myself when dropping my children to school in Birmingham, which-roughly takes me 20-25 mins there and back to sharmanscross road and from sharmanscross travelling straight to work to Solihull hospital is currently taking me 30-40 minutes!
This development will further add to the current traffic problems residents are experiencing, furthermore this will also cause serious effect on highway safety and will cause danger to pedestrians-especially children walking to/ from sharmanscross junior school and local secondary schools unaccompanied by adults.

My second concern is the suitability of the site and accessibility to local amenities, as you can appreciate 100 houses are equivalent to the whole of sharmanscross road or neighbouring Dorchester road the site is not suitable from a scale and portion base to accommodate for that scale of development as it will destroy the current character of the neighbourhood.
Can I emphasise again the proposed 100 houses will overdevelop the site as 100 houses is effectively five times the density of the existing neighbouring properties on winterbourne road, which will cause it to be out-of-scale and out-of-character and very congested in simple plain words it will ruin our neighbourhood.
Thirdly the site is not meeting the criteria as an accessible site for local amenities, Oakmoore have stated in there planning that Solihull train/Solihull town centre is 700m as an actual fact it is 1000-1100m walking distance, as my house backs onto the site so I am well aware of the distance to Solihull train station and town centre.
Furthermore the site also fails to provide suitable public transport as the local bus services currently operating are every half hour Monday to Saturday and only one service running on Sunday hourly. In addition other facilities such as GP surgeries and local primary schools are some what 1500m away from the site with no direct local bus links operating and the local junior school is over subscribed.

This purpose development is deeply concerning for me and my family and is effecting my health as I can not sleep at night with worry, as our house backs directly onto the car park of the rugby club and if the planning is approved it will not only cause a huge stress to me and my family but will also affect the value of my property both rental and sale.

Finally I would like SMBC to confirm that the covenant of the leasehold for the rugby ground to be used for sports purposes only and the freehold land to be used as a ancillary to sports ground as car park and changing rooms/pavilion is this covenant still in place?
As this is the only public sports ground we have in our local vicinity as school playing fields are not for public use.