
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 329

Received: 17/01/2017

Respondent: Sue Hillitt

Representation Summary:

Do not agree that Shirley site should be taking 41% of the housing as it would lead to higher levels of traffic and congestion in the surrounding roads (Bills Lane, A34).
have suggested that Dorridge could be a place to look to build.

Full text:

Objection to proposed development on fields adjoining Woodlands Estate
I wish to formally register my objection to the new housing estate to be built adjoining Woodlands Estate.

I live on Badgers Estate, surrounded by the rat runs of Shakespeare Drive, Bills Lane and Haslucks Green Road which all feed on to the permanent traffic jam called Stratford Road.

The residents of Badgers Estate have a particular problem in that the only access we have is Bills Lane ( Please note LANE), a country lane whch has no pavement on one side and no pedestrian crossing the whole length of the lane We have no option but to cross Bills Lane to be able to walk safely on a pavement. Between 8a.m and 9.30a.m this can involve a 10 minute wait for a break in the traffic, at the time when mothers are walking small children to school, usually with a toddler in a push chair too, older children are trying to cross on their own. Between 5p.m. and 6.30p.m we have the same problem, but with the added complication that it is a badly lit laneand therefore more dangerous. We have already had one fatallity at the junction of Langcomb Road recently, and two others in the past.

Your proposal to build 600 news homes will put (assuming two car families) up to 1200 more cars on to Bills Lane and Shakespeare Drive Are the residents of Badgers Estate to be trapped in a concrete, petrol laden jungle, particularly as you will be building on the only green space we have left?

I have no desire to be a NIMBY, and understand that we all have to take our share of the burden, but 41.46% seems to be a rather large share to inflict on Shirley South. I understand from one of your councillors that Dorridge is taking no new development, though it is surrounded by large areas of green belt, exactly like the green belt that will be taken from Shirley South which has far less to lose. Something feels a little unfair about that.

Finally, I understand that the proposed sites for development have been recommended by land developers, may I remind you that land developers have only one consideration - profit - they have no concern whatsoever about the impact on the lives of people affected by their development.