
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3291

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Amanda C Ball

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Loss of sporting facilities. Council said they would not sell freehold in 2013.
Density out of character with area.
Increased volume of traffic in congested area.
Impact on pedestrians, e.g. schoolchildren, and cyclists.
Pressure on local schools, doctors etc.
Loss of wildlife.
None of above concerns appear to have been taken into account.

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18
With regards to the above I feel I must make my objection on the following grounds:

I am most concerned that Solihull will be losing more sporting facilities despite Solihull Council minuting in 2013 that they would not sell the freehold on any land used exclusively for sport.

Not only is that being ignored but the proposed development - especially the density - is totally out of keeping with the area. The impact of this density of building will increase greatly the volume of traffic in the area - using the area, Shermans Cross Road in particular, often to visit our son - I know from experience the area is already often gridlocked and getting to and from his house difficult, often very difficult. 100 houses so maybe over 200 extra vehicles entering and exiting into the road will cause extra major traffic problems - not on to drivers but pedestrians (including children and their way to and from school) and cyclists.

While primarily concerned with the above I feel I should also mention the impact of this density of houses will have on local schools, doctors etc. and that is without any reference to wildlife in the area.

Has any of the above been taken into account? Looking at the proposed development, no - I don't think so.