
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3301

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Keith Dennis

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Impact on character and ambience of Winterbourne Road and surrounding area. Density too high. High density and 50% affordable homes will result in tall buildings that will be out of scale.
No reference in constraints to TPO No. 174.
Seek assurances that TPOs will be retained and protected during construction.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of sporting facilities. Council agreed to retain freehold for sporting use.
Seems that owners of sports pitch have not encouraged sports use.
Solihull falling in league tables.
Arden Tennis Club very popular.
Reduced parking due to loss of Arden Tennis Club.
Flooding issues.

Full text:

Ref: LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
(100 houses on rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road)

Dear Sirs,

I am, with my wife, owner of, and resident in, the property and land at 30 Winterbourne Road, Solihull. The proposed housing allocation for 100 houses on the rugby ground (and what is currently Arden Tennis Club land) situated close to Sharmans Cross Road is immediately to the rear of my home.

My first concerns relate to the likely impact on the character and ambience of Winterbourne Road and the surrounding area.

* I notice that in the plans there is no reference in the "Restraints and Conditions" column, to the tree preservation order No. 174 (dated 31st March 1989) which encompasses mature trees in the Arden Tennis Club adjacent to the gardens of houses on Winterbourne Road. What assurances can be given that this order will be fully respected and that construction work will not threaten the viability of these trees?

* These trees, and others in the area are what remains of the old Maidens Bower Woods and they contribute to a habitat rich in bird and wildlife. We frequently see woodpeckers, nuthatches and owls as well as finches, jays and tits, and there are bats, badgers and foxes in the immediate environs. The loss of such a habitat should not be easily sanctioned. As well as the impact on wildlife, there would certainly be a change to the whole character of the area.

* I note that the provision of 100 houses means that in this new development the density of houses will be 5 times the density of properties in Winterbourne Road and that the provision of 50 affordable homes will, in all probibility, mean buildings of more than two storeys. The proposed development appears likely to be out of scale and out of character with the area as it now is.

My second set of concerns relate to the impact of these proposals on the provision of sports facilities.

* In April, 2013, SMBC resolved that "Oakmoor and any other party with an interest in the land at Sharmans Cross be informed that the Council does not wish to dispose of its freehold interest or vary the lease." In the supporting argument for this resolution it was noted that "the lease restricts use of the Council freehold land to a private sports club but does not require Oakmoor to ensure the ground is in actual use. As a result, they may not actively attempt to let the ground or utilise the asset within the terms of the lease..." It seems that Oakmoor has not only not attempted to let or use the ground within the terms of the lease but that it has, at the very least, not encouraged such use leading to the point where it can be asserted in the planning application that the "Sports ground is currently unused". Previous assessments by SMBC of playing fields provision identified a shortfall within St Alphege and Silhill wards and I would argue that the provision of local (as opposed to "edge-of-town") facilities is the only way to encourage regular participation in sports activities.which have both health and social benefits. I note that Sport England has found that Solihull is in the 3rd quartile nationally for over-16 participation in sport 3 times per week and that it continues to fall in the national league tables.

* The Arden Tennis Club is, however, an active and viable sports club. It seems from the plans that the current proposals encroach on the Club's present provision. I think that nothing should be done that will diminish the viability of that active club. Moving the Arden Club from freehold to leasehold land is likely to be to its detriment and it seems that they would have reduced parking. Difficulties in parking and increased congestion on Sharmans Cross Road could well make users less inclined to use the Arden Club.

There are numerous other points which could be made, including the increased likelihood of flooding with reduced surface area for the absorbtion of rainfall but I conclude by referring you to the Government's Guidance for Local Plans (May, 2016) which states "Local Plans set out a vision and a framework for the future development of the area, addressing needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities and infrastructure - as well as a basis for safeguarding the environment, adapting to climate change and securing good design."

I do not think that this proposal meets those requirements when they are taken as a whole,.